Mar 262012

The Inter-Action program of animated shorts from the Seattle Experimental Animation Team is playing on Thursday, May 17th at the NW Film Center in Portland, OR. Here is the listing on the NW Film Center site. This 75 minute program is comprised of twelve original shorts, including Tess Martin‘s Plain Face, Drew Christie‘s The Man Who Shot The Man Who Shot Lincoln and Bruce Bickford‘s The Comic that Frenches Your Mind. Animator Stefan Gruber will be performing a live narration for his short Both Worlds, accompanied by Portland musician Magic Caves. Click here for the full line-up, including information about whether the shorts are children-appropriate. And this is the Facebook event if you want to invite your Portland friends!

Tess Martin and at least 3 or 4 of the other animators will be coming down to Portland for the show.

Mark your calendars and invite your Portland friends!

Thurs, May 17th, 2012, 7:00PM
NW Film Center, Whitsell Auditorium, at the Portland Art Museum 1219 SW Park Avenue
Tickets $10 online or $9 at the door.

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