This is it! Four performances of Both Worlds are happening tomorrow, it's official. Depending on which one you chose
you'll be treated to a unique live score*
There'll be lovely new posters of the above image 'Material-world apart from Jake '
for offering, along with hand bound flipbooks and a dvd that has several animations.
Each show has the same pattern of events: Music to be warmed up by, Psychic Portraits drawn of audience members,
and a screening of Both Worlds. We close off with a menu of early animated works for the audience to chose from.
1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm at:
Hollow Earth Radio 2018 21st and Union
*with musicians Supernova (1pm), Lori and Issac Goldston (2pm), Jeff Huston (3pm), and ? (4pm)