Sep 072011

Get ready for a life size whale in Cal Anderson Park on Oct 1st & 2nd! As many of you know the Seattle Experimental Animation Team has been commissioned by Sound Transit to make work on part of the big red wall around the light rail construction on Capitol Hill. We have the wall for four years total, and one animator takes over every six months. Clyde Petersen used his time on the wall to create chalk animations for the amazing Not Like Any Other Feeling video for the Thermals. Amanda Moore used the wall to create clips for her film The Open Town. Well, Tess Martin’s tenure begins in a few weeks, and goes until March 2012. Her first endeavor is a live animation event that is part of Local Sightings, the yearly festival of work from the NW organized by the NW Film Forum.

She will begin work on the wall with the help of five other independent animators (Britta Johnson, Webster Crowell, Salise Hughes, Stefan Gruber and Amanda Moore) at 9AM on October 1st. This will involve lots of paint and rollers on long extension poles. Possibly also ladders of various sizes and scuba gear.  We will continue animating throughout the day Saturday as light and weather permits, and will return Sunday as well.  The spectacle is free and open to the public. She will be directing a scene from my short film tentatively titled ‘Cat Person’ which depicts a story told in RadioLab’s Animal Minds podcast. Members of the public interested in being interviewed (audio only) about the story are especially encouraged to attend. If you haven’t heard this story yet, listen to the whole thing here.

Check back soon for an official flier and press release!

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