Feb 272011
Tess Martin’s Plain Face, her most recently completed film is being shown at the Kirkland Arts Center as part of (Be)Longing: Apprehensions and Opportunity at the Cultural Crossroads (March 5th-April 9th). Gaijin/The Foreigner (2006) will also be screened. The show also includes work from artists Sonny Assu, Jana Brevick, Diem Chau, Zhi Lin, Hugo Ludena, Saya Moriyasu, Remedios Rapoport and Marie Watt. The opening reception for this show is March 4th, 6PM-8:30PM at the Kirkland Arts Center, AND there is an Artist Talk on March 17th at 7:00PM at the Henry Art Gallery featuring Tess and four other artists. Would be great to see you either at the Artist Talk or the Opening Reception!
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