Oct 092016

The Seattle Experimental Animation Team was in full force at the recent Bumbershoot festival. The team installed their three giant zoetropes sculptures which included some brand new animated loops with a ‘disaster’ theme, as well as other video/animation related installations. The zoetropes were originally constructed for the month-long SEAT & Spin exhibit at Gallery 4Culture, and we’re happy more people got to experience them. Go SEAT!

The SEAT corner at Bumbershoot

The SEAT corner at Bumbershoot. Photo by James Webber.


SEAT @ Bumbershoot 2016 from SEAT on Vimeo.

SEAT @ Bumbershoot 2016 B from SEAT on Vimeo.

SEAT @ Bumbershoot 2016 C from SEAT on Vimeo.

Zoetropes in action. Photo by James Webber.

Zoetropes in action. Photo by James Webber.

Works represented:

Webster Crowell: Bad Neighborhood
Courtney Barnebey: Destruction Projector
Clyde Petersen: Harsh Tokes and Bong Jokes
James Webber: Tsunami: Over and Down Seatown
Britta Johnson: Incoming
Chris Looney: Eff’d Up Ferry Tale
Stewart McCullough, Bayu Angermeyer & Esmé McCullough: Unleashed in Seattle
Britta Johnson: Outer Layer
Neely Goniodsky: Flood
Tess Martin: Falling Man
Britta Johnson: Heat Transfer

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