The Seattle Experimental Animation Team hosted an amazing screening on March 1st at Zeitgeist Coffee to premier this group film. Originally created for the event as part of the March 2012 Seattle Art Walk, this film was animated by Otto Bulut, Tess Martin, Eric Ostrowski, Stefan Gruber, Salise Hughes, Clyde Petersen and Webster Crowell. Each animator selected a slip of a paper from a hat, designating the start and end images of their segment of the piece. From there, they had one month to animate a short film. They were then compiled and projected at Art Walk. Music has been added to this online version, though the original version is silent. Music is “The School for Scandal” by Samuel Barber. Performed by the Garfield High School Orchestra in 1997.
The Long Walk kite installation
On Saturday July 30th, 2011, Webster Crowell, Britta Johnson, Clyde Petersen, Salise Hughes and Tess Martin trekked out to the Tolt-MacDonald Park in Carnation, WA at 9AM and decked out the inside of a barn with paper kites. At 2PM fifty Long Walk participants arrived at the barn and showed us their blisters. As the sun set it was revealed that four of the kites were actually being projected with short animations, three of which (those of Britta Johnson, Salise Hughes and Tess Martin) had actually been photographed on the walking trail the day before. Two other shorts also included on the kites were those of Clyde Petersen and Stefan Gruber. Stay tuned for more beautiful photos of the installation at night as well as a video of all the films.
This is the second kite installation (the first was up for the month of June at Arabica Lounge in Seattle) and just a precursor to Flying Cinema, an event that will happen at the last minute on a windy night and involve flying kites and projections in a park near you. Spearheaded by Webster Crowell, this is a SEAT event you won’t want to miss. Make sure to follow the SEAT blog or Facebook page to get an alert.
NYC countdown – Seattle animations invade!
Only 4 days until the first screening in NYC of Inter-Action: Shorts by SEAT, Seattle Experimental Animation Team.
The first is at 92YTribeca, Mon July 18th, 8PM (tickets online, $12). The second is at the Anthology Film Archives (part of the NewFilmmakers series), Wed, July 20th, 6PM (tickets at the door, $6).
I will be there for both screenings and there will even be a merch table selling drawings and small clay figures by Bruce Bickford, as well as DVDs of my short film Plain Face and some t-shirts by Stefan Gruber!
Inter-Action: Shorts by SEAT!
Inter-Action is in two days! This Thursday, June 16th, 8PM, NW Film Forum (1515 12th Ave, Seattle, WA). Buy tickets here, or RSVP to our Facebook event.
This is the official line up for Seattle’s screening. Includes live narration and music by Stefan Gruber!
Animator Tess Martin presents a collection of short animations that explore inter-actions – action between each frame of motion as well as between each subject on screen. Made individually by twelve members of SEAT (Seattle Experimental Animation Team) these thought-provoking films reflect on love, insanity, faith and murder.
1. Britta Johnson, Two Dots, 4:39 (2009)
Marbles illustrate the subtle math of a relationship in this video made for Lusine’s song ‘Two Dots.’ Marbles, dental floss and wax animated frame by frame.
2. Drew Christie, The Man Who Shot the Man Who Shot Lincoln, 5:15 (2010)
TMWSTMWSL is an animated interpretation of the strange and bizarre life of Boston Corbett, the man who killed John Wilkes Booth. Animated on the pages of 12 books with charcoal, pastel and crayon. Contains one instance of nudity and violence not suitable for a young audience.
3. Aaron Wendel, Dwellings, 3:53 (2010)
Over time, two houses slowly destroy each other. Hand drawn on paper.
4. Tess Martin, Plain Face, 10:42 (2011)
In a fantastical land, a stranger arrives and is the subject of prejudice, violence and love. We follow her journey through memory as she decides whether to give up her heart. Paper and plastic cut-outs animated on a light-box. Contains one scary moment that may not be suitable for a young audience.
5. Amanda Moore, Bridging Wounds, 5:00 (2009)
A whimsical exploration of the lives of strangers told through silhouette puppet animation.
6. Davis Limbach, Loopforms, 5:03 (2010)
Loopforms is a dance of energy or spirit expressed in ‘maximized loops’. A traditional narrative is omitted in favor of a sensual, emotionally affecting experience. Ink and pencil on paper.
7. Sarah Jane Lapp, Chronicles of a Professional Eulogist, 6:30 (from 26min film, 2009)
A eulogist in training interviews his mentor on the eve of war. India ink, wax and gouache on paper.
8. Stefan Gruber, Both Worlds, 10:17 (2011)
In an Eden like garden, cartoon deities sit upon mountaintops ready to trade gardening tips about their mountainside utopias. Hand-animated in Flash.
9. Clyde Petersen, The Dirty Street, 4:44, (2010)
A found footage film, recut, projected and rephotographed using the “Hipstamatic” app for IPhone one frame at a time. Music by Triumph of Lethargy Skinned Alive to Death. Footage: “Jealousy” – a Prelinger Archives film from the Series, Marriage for Moderns. (1954)
10. Webster Crowell, Parasol, 8:30 (2008)
Parasol is a short, quick revenge film about bicycles, dancing and speed; animated with pastels across the surface of a few thousand paper parasols.
11. Salise Hughes, Somewhere, 4:00 (2010)
Somewhere between a 1950s sock hop and the Wild West, a Technicolor and Black and White pair of lovers meet to belt out a tune from “West Side Story.” Found footage manipulated frame by frame.
12. Bruce Bickford, The Comic That Frenches Your Mind, 5:28 (2008)
Bruce Bickford’s latest complete pencil animation is a trip – this is your mind on eggs. Contains nudity and drug use.
Inter-Action coming to NYC!
Inter-Action: A Collection of Shorts by SEAT, Seattle Experimental Animation Team.
This program is premiering at the NW Film Forum in Seattle, WA on June 16th, 8:00PM, but it is also screening at 92YTribeca in New York City on July 18th at 8:00PM. Please spread the word to your New York friends! Buy tickets here. This program includes a recent short by cult animator Bruce Bickford, and the Seattle screening will include live narration and music for Stefan Gruber’s new short Both Worlds!
Inter-Action: A collection of shorts by SEAT, Seattle Experimental Animation Team
Animator Tess Martin presents a collection of short animations that explore inter-actions – action between each frame of motion as well as between each subject on screen. Made individually by twelve members of SEAT (Seattle Experimental Animation Team) these thought-provoking films reflect on love, insanity, faith and murder. Includes films by: BRITTA JOHNSON, DREW CHRISTIE, AARON WENDEL, TESS MARTIN, AMANDA MOORE, DAVIS LIMBACH, SARAH JANE LAPP, CLYDE PETERSEN, WEBSTER CROWELL, STEFAN GRUBER, SALISE HUGHES and BRUCE BICKFORD.
{transmitting live from Hollow Earth}
☄ Tomorrow is a Both Worlds Saturday! ☄
This is it! Four performances of Both Worlds are happening tomorrow, it's official. Depending on which one you chose
you'll be treated to a unique live score*
There'll be lovely new posters of the above image 'Material-world apart from Jake '
for offering, along with hand bound flipbooks and a dvd that has several animations.
Each show has the same pattern of events: Music to be warmed up by, Psychic Portraits drawn of audience members,
and a screening of Both Worlds. We close off with a menu of early animated works for the audience to chose from.
1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm at:
Hollow Earth Radio 2018 21st and Union
*with musicians Supernova (1pm), Lori and Issac Goldston (2pm), Jeff Huston (3pm), and ? (4pm)
New Animated Work at the NWFF
Tess Martin and Stefan Gruber will be presenting new work on December 11th, at 2PM at the Northwest Film Forum. It’s free! Tess will be screening her new animated short Plain Face, and Stefan will be performing a new interactive animation. Come one, come all! We will each be asking for feedback after our presentations, hoping for lively discussions.